
Daisy Chain Thunderbolt and FW800

This might be a concern among in some people.
I have a Thunderbolt device (drobo5D) and a Firewire800 one (QUAD Raider EZ).
I tried and confirmed they work fine in daisy chain of Thunderbolt.
I used Apple's FW800 <=> Thunderbolt converter for FW800 device. FW800 is connected to the QUAD Raider EZ and the FW800 wire is converted with the Apple's converter to Thunderbolt wire. The Thunderbolt is connected to drobo5D, and drobo5D is connected to my iMac.
It works fine.
iMac -Thnblt- Drobo5D -Thnblt-Cnvrtr-FW800- QUAD Raider EZ.
I was not sure whether the daisy chain would work with converter or not.

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